Challenge: Investing in Real Estate with only $10,000

The Strategy: 1st Positions Trust Deeds

A trust deed is an agreement between a borrower and a lender where lender will lend an agreed upon amount the borrower pays you a monthly amount based upon the agreement between the two parties. This can be done with retirement funds or with traditional funds

GoVesty’s role:

We help to first give you some basic education on how a Trust Deeds works for you and explain some of the basic features of the Trust Deed. We will then block off a time for you to have an exclusive one on one discussion with our Trust Deed affiliate. 

Why Trust Deeds?

  1. Most are a short term so they can provide you easier access to your funds if needed
  2. Loan to Values of properties are thoroughly vetted to make sure you are in the best Trust Deed possible
  3. Monthly payments back into your personal or retirement account that can be used for your next opportunity
  4. They are secured investment that is attached to a tangible asset so your investment has solid collateral.