Challenge: Ability to do Real Estate Investment

The Strategy: Property from which the owner receives payment from tenants, in return for occupying or using the property.  The owner of rental property may be allowed to take certain tax deductions such as mortgage interest and depreciation.

GoVesty’s role:

Owning property in life is many of our goals and to own it as a landlord is even sweeter. But how do you start?  How long will it take? What does it take to be a landlord? These questions get asked all the time and rather then having a solution people just give up.We help by giving you some of the basic answers to those questions. Even more then that we have gone out and found you a relationship that will help with the questions, steps and more. Our partner will be there from A to Z and even beyond if needed.

  1. Rentals allow both actual gains and realized gains.
  2. You are the decision maker on your rate of return.
  3. Multiple markets to provide flexibility of investment property
  4. Ability to manage your property from a distance if needed.